Xi'an Zhiyue Material Tech. Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Zhiyue Material Tech. Co., Ltd.

Crystal Hafnium Rod (Hf)

Crystalline hafnium rod is a rod-shaped material made of crystalline hafnium. Crystalline hafnium is a chemical element with an atomic number of 72. It belongs to the transition metal category and has a silver gray metallic luster. This material is known for its excellent corrosion resistance and high-temperature performance, and is widely used in fields such as nuclear industry, aerospace, and electronics.

Crystalline hafnium rods have excellent corrosion resistance and are not easily corroded by general acidic or alkaline aqueous solutions, but are easily soluble in hydrofluoric acid to form fluorinated complexes. At high temperatures, it can directly combine with gases such as oxygen and nitrogen to form oxides and nitrides. In addition, hafnium has a large thermal neutron capture cross-section and outstanding nuclear energy properties, making it an important material for the development of the atomic energy industry.

In practical applications, crystalline hafnium rods are used as additives for high-temperature alloys such as steel, nickel based, cobalt based, and other alloys due to their unique properties. It can also be used as an excellent thermal protection material and superconducting material. In the aerospace field, hafnium's rapid heat absorption and release properties make it suitable as a structural material for jet engines and missiles. In addition, its refractory nature makes it suitable for manufacturing blades and other high-temperature components of turbojet aircraft.

Purity: Hf+Zr ≥ 99.95%; Zr < 0.2%

CAS: 7440-58-6

  • crystal hafnium rod hf
  • crystal hafnium rod 7440 58 6
  • crystal hafnium rod cas 7440 58 6
  • crystal hafnium rod hf
  • crystal hafnium rod 7440 58 6
  • crystal hafnium rod cas 7440 58 6

Applications of Crystal Hafnium Rod (Hf)


Nuclear industry: Neutron absorption and nuclear reactor control: Crystalline hafnium rods are often used as control rods for nuclear reactors due to their unique neutron absorption ability. By inserting or withdrawing control rods, the number of neutrons in the reactor can be effectively regulated, thereby controlling the rate of nuclear fission reaction. This regulation is crucial for ensuring the safe and stable operation of nuclear reactors.

Nuclear fuel coating: Hafnium rods can also be used as coating materials for nuclear fuel, ensuring that nuclear fuel does not leak or be affected by external environments during the reaction process. This helps to prevent the spread of radioactive materials and improve the safety and reliability of nuclear fuel.


Aerospace: Rocket engines and nozzles: Aerospace spacecraft need to withstand extremely high temperatures during operation, and crystalline hafnium rods are often used to manufacture nozzles and other key components of rocket engines due to their excellent high-temperature resistance. These components need to work in extreme high temperature environments, and hafnium rods can withstand this high temperature without deformation or failure, ensuring the normal operation of the rocket.

Lightweight high-strength structural components: Composite materials such as hafnium titanium alloy are also widely used in the aerospace field. They not only have high strength and high temperature resistance, but also have relatively low density, which helps to reduce the weight of spacecraft and improve flight efficiency. These materials are commonly used to manufacture structural components such as the outer shell and wings of spacecraft.


Electronics industry: Ionic conductors and solid electrolytes: The oxide of crystalline hafnium has good ionic conductivity, making it of great application value in the electronics industry. For example, it can be used to produce high-quality ion conductor materials, such as solid electrolytes. These materials have broad application prospects in energy conversion and storage fields such as batteries and fuel cells.


Other fields: High performance coatings and alloys: Hafnium can also be used to produce high-performance coatings and alloys to meet the needs of different fields. For example, coatings containing hafnium may have excellent weather resistance and corrosion resistance; And alloys containing hafnium may have higher strength and hardness.

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